South Lake

South Lake's uniquely-shaped shoreline makes it an ideal trophy bass lake.  It is a long lake, with 11.3 surface acres.  

Goal – Striper lake

 2013 Evaluation
  1. The HSB are MIA. I think they are there just not represented well in the survey. Lets not give up on this yet. The stocking of gizzard shad, the increased fertility, the new high water levels should all produce more HSB food.
  2. I like feeders for HSB but I don’t want you feeding them and then not biting but that is not the case with other clients.
  3. The lake should be excellent fishery for larger size bluegill. Don’t recommend harvesting but they were quite numerous. Only in clubhouse did we see larger bluegill.
  4. The submersed grasses are a little excessive. I suggest stocking 48 grass carp here 4/acre.
  5. The bass were looking pretty skinny but expected with HSB stocking and subsequent competition for food. Harvest bass aggressively here all under 16 inches. The larger bass are actually very skinny. These were some of the skinnier bass on the farm. This confirms the HSB are there competing with bass for bluegill.
  6. The average size of the bass sampled was 13.6”, 1.16 lbs, and the average relative weight of the bass was 83%. This relative weight indicates that the bass are skinny for their size.

 2010 Evaluation  
  1. Stock ~200 Hybrid Bass annually (150 measuring 10 - 14" stocked 7/15/10)   (200 stocked 10/2010) 10/2010 update - stocking 200 measuring 6 to 8 inches
  2. Build a reef (installed in early 2011)
  3. Installed feeder; feed stripers 600 pounds of high protein striper food annually
  4. Maintain boat launch access
  5. Release stripers caught until 2013; other fish can be eaten as desired.

                                                                          South Lake Bathymetric Map
                                                          Nate, and one of the new hybrid striped bass - July 2010

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